To become an accomplished teacher, you need to see an accomplished teacher. The National Board aims to strengthen the career continuum for teachers by offering ATLAS, Accomplished Teaching, Learning and Schools®. ATLAS is a library of authentic video cases  showing National Board Certified Teachers at work in the classroom.

Learn More About ATLAS

How to use ATLAS

ATLAS serves as a powerful window into the classrooms and thinking of accomplished teachers. These resources demonstrate what ATLAS is, how it works and why it’s a valuable asset for teachers across grades, developmental areas and subject areas.

Access to more than 1,400 cases covering most subjects, grades and school settings. Indexed to standards and frameworks for teachers and students, ATLAS cases offer a visual representation of these standards providing a clear image of accomplished teaching.

All ATLAS cases are from National Board Certified Teachers. Each video case has been validly assessed as accomplished practice, according to National Board Standards.

Video cases are comprised of an authentic unedited video, the teacher's written reflection about the lesson, and related instructional material.

Access ATLAS

ATLAS is available to mentors, candidates, and candidate support providers through 29 free cases. If you already have an account, click here to login.

ATLAS for Candidates

ATLAS is available to organizations through a one—or three-year subscription. The cost is based on the number of users and the subscription length. We do not currently offer individual subscriptions to ATLAS. You can apply for a 30-day free trial or request a quote. To apply for a subscription, please complete the form below.

30-Day Free Trial      Request a Quote      Purchase ATLAS

To build a stronger profession, we must provide aspiring, new, and professional teachers with a clear picture of what accomplished teaching looks like and how accomplished teachers continue to improve their practice.