Beckett Haight, NBCT

Beckett Haight is a National Board Certified special educator who has been involved in Special Education non-stop as a student, a volunteer, an aide, and a teacher since 1994 when he got his first IEP. During this time he has worked with students with varying special needs in various schools in California, Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Ethiopia, and is currently providing learning support in an American school in Mexico. You can find him professionally on Twitter @BeckettHaight or blogging about Special Education topics at

Can Executive Function Skills be a School-wide Focus?

October 23, 2018

I would be willing to contend that every teacher has had that moment when for some reason they were next to a student who opened their backpack and it was filled with handfuls of loose papers, maybe one notebook for all subjects, and sometimes an old snack at the bottom. Or you may be able to easily think of those students in your class this year who don’t know when things are due, struggle to hit deadlines, spend half the independent work time in class doing other things, or generally wait until the last minute to get work done. These…

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