Megan Jenny, NBCT

Megan Jenny is a National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy: Reading-Language Arts/Early and Middle Childhood and a current PhD candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Louisiana State University. She has been an educator for 15 years, most recently at the University Lab School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

It Takes a Village

January 19, 2022

By: Megan Jenny, NBCT Like most National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), I consider myself internally motivated and self-sufficient. When I entered the teaching profession 15 years ago, I set two goals for myself—earn my National Board Certification and complete my PhD in Education. The goals I set were for me, myself, and I to tackle. I believed that achieving at the highest levels would better myself for my students and prove my worth as a teacher and teacher leader. Interestingly, my National Board certification unexpectedly transformed me by bringing me into a village I wasn’t even aware existed. I started…

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