
Test driving National Board Certification

September 1, 2015

Over the past two years, thousands of teachers as well as undergraduate and graduate students field tested three components of the revised Board certification process. This summer one field tester was chosen at random to be awarded $3,000 for participating in the Component 3 field test, which involves video and analysis of one’s teaching practice. We’re excited to announce that the winner of this contest is… (drumroll please)…Carla Sanchez, a K-12 art teacher from Cheyenne, Wyoming! Last month our Standards and Assessment Program Associate, Trang Hoang, caught up with Carla to learn more about her experience as a field tester and a National Board candidate. Check out the interview with her below!

How has the field test process helped you prepare for National Board candidacy?
At first, I wasn’t sure if I should go through with National Board candidacy…But after going through field testing for Component 3, I learned what recording equipment worked and which evidences I needed. I also learned which part of my teaching I wanted to capture more than others. I did so many videos before I decided which one to use for my entries. Just going through the process is a learning experience. When I go through the actual component as a candidate, I’ll know what I need to work on and what to get done early. I believe field testing is a valuable learning experience, even if I don’t get a score. It’s also practice for being on camera since it is quite stressful to listen and see yourself on camera.

What made you decide to apply to field test Component 3?
I purchased Component 1 which is just studying for a test and didn’t involve anything I did in the classroom specifically, so I thought it would be valuable in the long run to field test Component 3. The resubmission incentive also made me decide to field test. I am hoping my entries will be eligible for resubmission.

How did you learn about National Board Certification?
Word of mouth. Some of the teachers in my building brought it to my attention. We wanted to take it all together a few years ago, but some of our positions have changed. I think it really helps if someone else is pursuing National Board Certification at your school.

What was your first reaction when you found out that you won?
I was in class and was trying to figure out how to use Outlook since our school just switched to that email system. Then I noticed the email and my reaction was quiet because I was in class and I couldn’t believe that I won. I had to show it to other teachers to figure out if it was real or not!

Interested in test driving Board certification? We’re field testing Components 2 and 3 (CTE only) this fall. Stay tuned for more info!

Carla Sanchez

Carla Sanchez is a K-12 art teacher at Arp Elementary in Cheyenne, Wyoming in the Laramie County School District #1. She has been in the teaching profession for 17 years with 14 of those years in her current position. She integrates a variety of subject matter in her classroom instruction while teaching students to become self-learners. Sanchez is involved in both district and school-wide committees and activities. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Wyoming; her Master's Degree from Lesley University of Cambridge and is currently pursuing National Board Certification. She lives in Cheyenne with her spouse and two children and enjoys outdoor sports in the Rocky Mountains with her family, photography and creating art work in a variety of media.