
Endings Help to Create Beautiful Beginnings

October 16, 2024

By: Zakiyyah Omar, NBCT – North Carolina

"Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful." This quote by Beau Taplin resonates deeply with me as a National Board Certified school counselor. It is a constant reminder to approach the end of every counseling relationship, group session, and social-emotional lesson with intentionality and grace.

As school counselors, we have the privilege of forging profound connections with students, families, and our school communities. Throughout the year, we nurture these relationships, creating safe spaces where students feel heard, understood, and empowered. We celebrate their triumphs, offer support during challenges, and witness their incredible growth.

But just like the setting sun, the school year inevitably draws to a close. While this ending can be bittersweet, it also presents an opportunity for reflection, closure, and a celebration of the journey we’ve shared. As National Board Certified educators, we understand the importance of reframing "termination" as a positive experience, one that leaves students feeling equipped and ready for the next chapter.

Here’s how we can embrace the art of closure and transform endings into something beautiful:

1. Begin with the End in Mind:

  • Set the Stage Early: From the beginning, let students know that the school year, like a good book, has a beginning, middle, and end. This helps normalize the concept of closure and reduces anxiety about separation.
  • Vision and Goals: Establish clear goals for your counseling program and individual student interactions. How will you measure your impact? How will you foster growth in both your students and yourself? Having a roadmap ensures that you’re intentionally moving towards a meaningful conclusion.

2. Openly Discuss Closure and Termination:

  • Normalize the Conversation: Throughout the year, weave discussions about closure into your sessions. Encourage students to reflect on past experiences with positive and challenging endings. This creates a safe space for them to express any anxieties or apprehensions they may have about the upcoming summer break.
  • Validate Feelings: Acknowledge that saying goodbye can be difficult. Help students identify and process their emotions, whether sadness, excitement, or a mix of both.

3. Create a "Closure Toolkit":

  • Infuse Activities: Incorporate engaging closure activities into your lessons and counseling sessions. These can include:
    • Support System Mapping: Help students identify their network of support outside of school.
    • Goodbye Letters: Encourage students to write letters to friends, teachers, or even the school itself.
    • Memory Books: Create a visual representation of the year’s highlights and accomplishments.
    • Safety Plans: Collaborate with students to develop plans for navigating challenges and staying safe during the summer.
    • Keepsake Boxes: Fill a box with tangible reminders of coping skills, positive affirmations, and cherished memories.

4. Celebrate with a Family Night:

  • Community Collaboration: Partner with your school’s leadership team, teachers, and community organizations to host an end-of-year celebration.
  • Showcase Achievements: Highlight student accomplishments and celebrate their growth.
  • Resource Sharing: Provide families with valuable resources and support to ensure a smooth transition into summer.

By embracing these strategies, we can transform the end of the school year into a time of reflection, celebration, and preparation for the future. It’s an opportunity to reinforce the skills and resilience we’ve nurtured in our students, leaving them with a sense of accomplishment and a toolbox for navigating life’s transitions.

Ready to Elevate Your Impact?

National Board Certification empowers school counselors to refine their practice, deepen their impact, and become leaders in their field. It’s a journey of professional growth and a testament to your dedication to student success. Take the first step today and explore the possibilities!