Tag: Diversity / Equity

Neurospicy: A Seasoning for the Soul

By Mechelle Gilford, Ed.S., NBCT    https://www.nbpts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Gilford-Neurospicy-Article-for-National-Board.mp3   Let’s face it: being a neurodivergent teacher in a neurotypical world sometimes feels like navigating a grocery store with a map to the moon—a bit of a wild goose chase, but hey, at least it’s an adventure! Think of neurodiversity as the secret ingredient that makes the…

Art Therapy with a Dash of AI for Our Visually Spectacular Students

By Mechelle Gilford, NBCT – South Bend, Indiana Ah, the magic of our classrooms! Where curious minds explore, imaginations take flight, and sometimes the most significant challenges morph into shimmering opportunities. Today, we’ll delve into the world of art therapy for our visually spectacular students – those brilliant young minds navigating the world with a…

Geography Deserves a Place in Every Classroom

By: Carol Hofer, NBCT It’s one of my “ha, ha” photos – a snapshot of a package addressed to me, who lives in Indianapolis, with a prominent stamped notice in all caps “MISSENT TO INDIA.” A stamp for this actually exists – it lead me to wonder how often it’s needed. Under Indianapolis it did…

Being an NBCT comes with an obligation to equity

By: Megan Jenny, NBCT and Lauren Jewett, NBCT There have been more than a few documented instances of lawmakers excluding classroom teachers from discussions and deliberations—including the No Child Left Behind legislation of 2001. And we all know how disastrously that turned out, ushering in an era of excessive standardized testing, commodification of education, and…

Seeing Dyslexia through three sets of lenses

By: Chris Murray, NBCT From as early as I can remember in elementary school, I had difficulties with words, spelling, and sounds. That difficulty was diagnosed when I was in fourth grade (currently the majority of cases of dyslexia are not identified until at least third grade), but I truly did not begin to understand…