Why Pursue National Board Certification®?
There are many reasons to pursue National Board Certification. The National Board’s standards and assessments were created by teachers, for teachers. What do teachers themselves have to say about the value of National Board certification?

There is a decade of research to support the impact that Board-certified teachers have on students. Students of Board-certified teachers learn more than their peers without Board-certified teachers. Studies have also found that the positive impact of having a Board-certified teacher is even greater for BiPOC and low-income students. - RELEVANT AND IMPACTFUL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
“National Board Certification is often cited as an indicator of effective teaching. For me, it wasn’t just a certification; it was the most impactful professional development I have ever taken on, and my students still benefit to this day.” Mark Gardner, NBCT from Washington. Mark is not alone. A national survey of effective teachers’ views on PD found 96% of respondents shared that National Board Certification was among the top three most impactful PD experiences for advancing their practice. - CREATED BY TEACHERS FOR TEACHERS
“I felt that it was teachers speaking directly to me. It was because teachers helped write that book. Within the first part of the book that talks about core proposition one – that teachers are committed to their students. The book talks about equity and how teachers are committed to enacting equity in our schools. I was immediately hooked. I knew that this was going to be the right sort of challenge for me because the whole process was written and designed by teachers for teachers.” Juliana Urtubey, NBCT and 2021 National Teacher of the Year from Nevada. Too often, professional development opportunities are not shaped by the wisdom and expertise of practicing educators. That is not the case with National Board Certification. The National Board Standards and the 5 Core Propositions are developed by committees of educators who are broadly representative of professionals in their field. - CHANGES TEACHER PRACTICE
“National Board Certification changed my planning, my analysis of student learning, and the reflection I needed to help all students be successful.” Luann Lee, NBCT from Ohio. 91% of teachers engaging with the National Board standards reported that it had a direct impact on their instructional practices. These shifts include adjusting lesson plans and to meet the needs of individual students, using data in new ways to assess student progress and learning goals, deepening their content knowledge.
Opens Professional Doors
- Board-certified teachers are often given opportunities to have an impact way beyond their classrooms.
- Because Board-certified teachers are recognized as
experts, they are often sought out for leadership positions in their schools and districts. - In significant numbers, NBCTs serve as team leaders, department chairs, and instructional coaches. Many NBCTs move on to serve as school and district administrators or within the state department of education.
“National Board fosters leadership for a career not just a snapshot.” – Mandee Carmical, NBCT from Arkansas
Financial Benefits
- More than half of all states—and countless districts—offer fee support, conditional loans and/or salary incentives to encourage teachers to pursue and achieve National Board Certification.
- Many states count Board certification towards state licensure, renewal or step increase.
What Teachers Say
Teachers who have gone through the Board certification process say that it is the most valuable and transformative professional development they have ever received. The opportunity to connect professional learning with classroom practice brings to life a teacher’s experience, helping them reflect on individual student learning needs.
National Board Certification is the gift I gave to myself and to my students. It has bonded me to my profession. It has centered my practice and it has invited me to really know my students.