Bureau of Indian Education Teachers Achieve Board Certification
January 12, 2018
ARLINGTON, Va. —January 11, 2018— As the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) celebrates 5,470 new National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and another 3,957 Board-certified teachers who successfully renewed their certification, teachers at Bureau of Indian Education Affiliated Schools are joining the celebration. These teachers are part of a growing community of Board-certified teachers, now more than 118,000 strong across all 50 states. Each of these accomplished educators earned the profession’s highest mark of achievement through a rigorous, performance-based, peer-review process, demonstrating their proven impact on student learning and achievement. In 2014, NBPTS and the Bureau of Indian Education…
Read MoreMore than 5,400 Teachers Achieve National Board Certification, Increasing Total to More than 118,000 Board-Certified Teachers Nationwide
January 7, 2018
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards celebrates 5,470 new National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and another 3,957 Board-certified teachers who successfully renewed their certification. These teachers join a growing community of Board-certified teachers, now more than 118,000 strong across all 50 states. Each of these accomplished educators earned the profession’s highest mark of achievement through a rigorous, performance-based, peer-review process, demonstrating their proven impact on student learning and achievement. “I’m so proud to celebrate our new National Board Certified Teachers. This is a great personal accomplishment, but it’s more than that – this accomplishment is reason to celebrate the…
Read MoreTwo Pine Bluff, Ark. Teachers Recognized for Renewing Board Certification
December 16, 2017
Teachers Carol Taylor and Margaret Nanak recently renewed their Board certification and were recognized by their local media. Taylor, a third grade teacher, certified in Generalist/Early Childhood. Nanak, a library media specialist, certified in Library Media/Early Childhood through Young Adult. Congratulations! Read more.
Read MoreNational Board Names Three Leading Educators to Its Board of Directors
December 11, 2017
ARLINGTON, Va. – December 11, 2017 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, a nonprofit organization created by the teaching profession to set and maintain standards of accomplished practice, announced the election of three prominent educators to its board of directors. Elections were held during the organization’s November Board meeting. “I couldn’t be more excited to welcome the newest members of our Board of Directors. They bring great expertise and I know their perspective will make the National Board stronger,” said Peggy Brookins, NBCT, president and CEO of the National Board. “I look forward to getting to work with…
Read MoreNational Board Aims to Certify 1 Million
December 4, 2017
Edutopia recently published an article regarding National Board certification’s increasing accessibility: “During the last five years, we have been increasing accessibility to both the board certification process and to accomplished teaching more generally,” said Joe Doctor, the National Board’s chief operating officer. “We hope to make certification fit into the very busy lives of practicing teachers, while spreading a vision of how teaching can become the true profession it deserves to be.” Access the full article.
Read MoreNevada Declares National Board Certified Teacher Day
November 16, 2017
Nevada’s Governor Sandoval has proclaimed November 16 as National Board Certified Teacher Day in Nevada. This comes the same week that Board-certified teacher Pilar Biller of Washoe County was named the state’s teacher of the year. In the 2016-2017 school year, Clark County, including Las Vegas, had the second highest number of candidates pursuing National Board certification in the country and the state’s rural counties report a 600% increase in the number of teachers pursuing Board certification. Read more.
Read MoreEdWeek Answers Key Question: What Makes the National Board Certification Meaningful?
November 2, 2017
National Board Certified Teacher Ernie Rambo recently reflected on her road to becoming a National Board-certified teacher to learn more about why teachers so often find the process to be transformative, positively impacting themselves and their students. In her Education Week article, Rambo offered the following takeaway: "If National Board certification has been shown to generate positive changes within and among educators, then I wonder what might happen with student learning as we see more teachers become certified." Access the full article.
Read MoreNational Board Featured in Scholastic Teacher Magazine
November 2, 2017
The Fall 2017 edition of Scholastic Teacher Magazine features an article about Board certification entitled National Board Certification: To Certify or Not to Certify. Featuring perspective from several National Board Certified Teachers, the article addresses questions related to the time commitment, the cost and also the tremendous value that teachers derive from going through the process. Read the full article.
Read MoreNBCT Among Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Winners
October 30, 2017
Bob Kilmer, NBCT, who teaches woodworking, computer-aided design and architecture and construction at Enumclaw High School in King County, Washington, was recently named a winner of the Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence, which recognizes outstanding instruction in the skilled trades in U.S. public high schools. Kilmer and his school won $100,000, of which $70,000 goes to the school’s skilled trades program and $30,000 goes to him personally. The Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence was designed to recognize outstanding instruction in the skilled trades in U.S. public high schools that inspires students to learn a trade…
Read MoreInstitute Formed to Support Nevada Teachers
September 26, 2017
The Nevada Department of Education recently funded a new program to support National Board Certification and teacher leadership. The funding, which provides more than $700,000 over two years, will be used as part of the Nevada National Board Professional Learning Institute: Empowering Teachers as Leaders and Learners, a newly developed program intended to create a statewide model for National Board teacher professional learning and development. Read more.
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