News & Media

National Board Welcomes New Members of Board of Directors

December 4, 2018

National Board welcomes new directors from North Carolina, Alabama, Michigan, the NEA Executive Committee, Past President of the National School Boards Association and NEA Foundation President ARLINGTON, Va. – December 4, 2018 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, announced the election of six prominent educators to its board of directors. Elections were held during the organization’s November Board meeting. “Our newly elected Board members bring great energy and expertise; they will make the National Board stronger and help us advance our mission,” said Peggy Brookins, NBCT, president and CEO of the National Board. Joining the NBPTS Board of…

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Teachers Find Out if they Achieved National Board Certification

December 1, 2018

Teachers Find Out if they Achieved National Board Certification Teachers from across the country have received their scores and found out if they achieved National Board Certification ARLINGTON, Va. – December, 1, 2018– The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has notified notify more than 14,000 teachers of their scores and achievement status on their journey towards National Board Certification. Every student deserves teachers who have met the profession’s highest standards for accomplished practice. More than a decade of research from across the country confirms, students taught by Board-certified teachers are one to two months ahead of their peers taught…

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PBS Has TeacherLine Opportunities for National Board Certified Teachers

November 16, 2018

PBS TeacherLine has a number of opportunities for educators starting soon! Read on to learn more. Science teachers: Are you looking for quality, in-depth professional development to improve your teaching practice? Need the flexibility of an online course? Check out PBS TeacherLine’s Accomplished Science Teaching: Letting Science Lead. This research-based course, developed in collaboration with NBPTS, helps learners focus on the evolution of student learning of science concepts and learn to make well-informed instructional decisions that can help students build their own understanding more efficiently. Enroll soon, next course term starts December 5! Looking to improve your teaching practice for…

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4,446 Teachers Renew National Board Certification, Demonstrate Ongoing Commitment to Students and High Standards

October 29, 2018

ARLINGTON, Va. — October 29, 2018 — The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announces today that 4,446 teachers have renewed their certificate and demonstrated that they teach to the highest professional standards. Teachers from 48 states renewed and in many states they are eligible for a salary stipend or incentive. There are currently more than 20,000 teachers pursuing National Board certification, a mark of distinction recognizing accomplished teaching. The new 2018 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) will be announced by the end of the year. National Board standards are created by teachers, for teachers, as is National Board certification,…

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National Board Certified Teachers Appointed to National Assessment Governing Board

October 3, 2018

The National Assessment Governing Board has appointed five leaders from across the United States to serve four-year terms. These appointees will help determine policy for the Nation’s Report Card. Among those appointed are two National Board Certified Teachers: Mark Miller, eighth-grade teacher, and Nardi Routten, fourth-grade teacher. "We are excited to have such a breadth of talent and expertise join the Board and contribute to a group of leaders who are dedicated to maintaining NAEP’s rigor and quality, while making the assessment useful and relevant for the public," said Lisa Stooksberry, deputy executive director for the Governing Board. Learn more about these…

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Impact on Teacher Candidates’ Practice

September 6, 2018

ATLAS Study Shows Impact on Teacher Candidates’ Practice ATLAS, from the National Board, is a video case library that demonstrates effective approaches to teaching and makes accomplished practice accessible for in-service and pre-service teachers. Each case features a board certified teacher in the classroom. More than 1,300 cases include  authentic unedited video, the teacher’s written reflection about the lesson, and related instructional materials. A recent study found that teacher candidates who used ATLAS indicated ATLAS activities had a moderate to major effect on planning, instruction, and assessment. 93% of teacher candidates remarked that ATLAS was helpful in using assessment to inform…

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National Board Fellows Revealed; Plan to Advance Accomplished Teaching

June 4, 2018

ARLINGTON, Va. — June 4, 2018 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has announced the inaugural class of National Board Fellows for 2018-19. Five fellows were selected from a highly impressive group of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) from across the country: Melissa Chandler of Maryland, Melissa Collins of Tennessee, Jaime Festa-Daigle of Arizona, Rodrigo Rodriguez-Tovar of Texas, and Amy Steger of New York. “Our 350 applicants made it clear that Board certification is a powerful force in schools across the country and NBCTs are dedicated to accomplished teaching and ensuring every child gets a quality education. Our…

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NBCTs Among Finalists for National Teacher of the Year

April 19, 2018

This Friday, April 20, the Council of Chief State School Officers will be announcing the 2018 National Teacher of the Year on CBS This Morning. The four finalists have all made great strides in education and we are proud to celebrate them. Of the four, three are National Board Certified Teachers! Read about their classroom experiences on our blog, The Standard. The respective posts are linked below. Kara Ball, NBCT writes about her experiences as a child building rockets with her father and how this translates to her own students’ learning. Amy Andersen, NBCT speaks on the challenges and opportunities…

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Kentucky Legislature Celebrates Board-certified Teachers

February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018 marks Kentucky’s celebration of 316 new NBCTs. Peggy Brookins, President & CEO of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards remarked, “I could not be more proud of Kentucky’s 316 new National Board Certified Teachers. This is an accomplishment for the teachers but I can’t overstate the impact it will have on students. NBCTs have an oversized impact on student learning and these teachers, 70 percent of whom teach in high-needs Title I schools, are working with students who need them most. Every student deserves a teacher whose practice meets the highest standards in the field. Great work,…

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NBCT Leader Kelly Mueller Passes Away

January 24, 2018

It is with great sadness we announce today that Linda Kelly Mueller, NBCT, passed away in her home in suburban St. Louis. Her passing was unexpected; she was assisting candidates for National Board Certification this spring and intended to attend this summer’s National Board Academy for network leaders. Kelly Mueller was an amazing person and a friend and colleague to thousands of other teachers. Since becoming an NBCT in 2001, she organized and coordinated several email networks and websites used by thousands of teachers who were themselves seeking and achieving National Board Certification. She was a warrior for National Board…

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