Using ESSER Funds to Expand Student Access to National Board Certified Teachers

Investing ESSER funds in National Board Certification puts the best teachers in front of students and provides an unparalleled professional development opportunity for teachers. Two decades of research have proven that, particularly for students in high-need schools, National Board Certification can have a significant and measurable impact on student learning, teacher practice, and teacher retention in your district. Below are resources to provide further information on how your ESSER dollars can go toward supporting National Board Certification. Additional questions? Contact us at


Using COVID-Relief Funds to Expand Access to NBCTs

The National Board is excited to share its recommendations on how states and districts can use COVID-relief funds to stabilize the teacher workforce and help students recover from the pandemic.

Teaching Profession Playbook

The Partnership for the Future of Learning released a Playbook that offers a set of strategies and examples to help invest in solutions that work. In it, National Board Certification is lauded as an example of how states and districts can use ESSER funding to strengthen the teaching profession.

A Teachers-First Strategy

The Center on Great Teachers & Leaders at the American Institute for Research shared a call to action urging states to invest their federal relief funds in teachers. They offer a look at the evidence behind a teacher-first allocation strategy.

Invest in What Will Pay

NGL writes that the best investment districts can make in their schools is in professional learning opportunities for their educators. In doing so, they expand the capacity of their organizations to grow in the long-term.

How States are Helping School Districts Maximize Federal Relief

ARP Info Hub

Ed Note compiled a list of some of the guidance given by states to districts as to how best to use their federal relief funds. Among others, this includes recommendations for state-specific tutoring and summer learning programs.

A Big Raise For Texas Teachers

In Texas, districts will be increasing the salaries of some of its most effective teachers by more than $100,000 annually to reward them for the work they have done in the state’s highest-needs schools where COVID-19 has had its greatest impact on students.

North Carolina: Summer School Incentives

In North Carolina, many students will be required to attend summer school this year in order to support students who are considered “at-risk.” The state’s ESSER funds will be used to give those teachers who have completed the National Board Certification a $1,200 signing bonus.

How Illinois will use its ARP Funds

State leaders in Illinois have allocated $25 million to intensive tutoring in order to address potential learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to find qualified teachers, the state plans to invest in teacher preparatory programs.

How Tennessee will use its ESSER Funds

Tennessee’s education department will prioritize much of its $491 million one-time federal funding on teacher training and programs to prepare more candidates for the teaching profession.

With an Influx of COVID Relief Funds, States Spend on Schools

This interactive map shows where states are spending their ARP dollars. Nearly every state is spending funds on strengthening its teacher workforce.