If 15% of California teachers achieve National Board Certification, one million more California students will have access to highly accomplished teachers.
The lack of access to high-quality teachers for all California students is a significant impediment to closing the achievement gap. Recent research conducted in California found that a key differentiator of the top-performing school districts was “hiring, supporting, and retaining a strong, stable educator workforce”. Investing in National Board Certification is one strategy that can elevate the teaching workforce. Research shows students of National Board Certified Teachers learn more than their peers and the impact is even greater for high-needs students.
The California National Board Advocacy Fellows analyzed surveys of California National Board Certified Teachers, reviewed research, and conducted interviews with stakeholders. From this work, the following state policy recommendations were developed. If implemented, these policies will help grow the number of National Board Certified Teachers and drastically increase the number of students who will benefit from access to accomplished teaching.