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"Shoulder Tap" a colleague to start their National Board Certification journey About Board of Directors Careers Certification Council Community Mission & History Staff Technical Advisory Group Thank you! What Book Committee Building Awareness Candidates Pursuing Certification Who Deferred in 2019-2020 and/or 2020-2021 Certification Benefits Candidate Center Assessment Center Testing Candidate FAQs ePortfolio Submission First-Time and…

Peer referral

Every student deserves to be taught by an accomplished teacher. National Board certification is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education. Teachers who achieve certification often describe it as the best professional development they have ever done because it is tailored to your classroom, your students, your subject area and your practice. More…

Score Calculator

Candidates are encouraged to use this score calculator to measure the impact of possible scores. This hands-on tool can help candidates test out various scenarios to develop a strategy for retaking components. Make sure to use only estimates of reasonable scores according to the scoring rubric. Use the number inputs to enter your highest scores…


At the National Board, we know that it’s important to get you all the information you need to supplement the work that you do to elevate the teaching profession. Whether you’re an interested candidate for National Board Certification or a candidate support provider or an advocate for accomplished teaching, we’ve provided the documents, media and…


Elevating Teaching, Empowering Teachers More than a decade of research from across the country confirms that students taught by National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) learn more than students taught by other teachers. Estimates of the increase in learning are on the order of an additional one to two months of instruction and the positive impact…

Privacy Policy

NATIONAL BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS PRIVACY POLICY This Privacy Policy was last updated on June 17, 2014. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “we,” “our,”  “us,” or “the National Board”) recognizes that its Users, and others who use,, or other Web sites owned or operated by…


Board Certification the Norm At the National Board, we work with states, districts and teachers associations to make Board certification the norm—building a path from teacher preparation to networks of peer support to help teachers achieve certification.   Collaborative Professional Learning National Board Certified Teachers across the country have advocated for ways to bring accomplished…

Policy and Advocacy

Join us in elevating the teaching profession to ensure great teaching for all students National Board Certified Teachers and policymakers are driving change by creating a  world-class teaching profession through the National Board Certification process. Please share these resources supporting Board Certification and do your part to advocate for Board Certification. Key Advocacy Resources Impact…

Practice & Policy

Practice and Policy In addition to setting standards of accomplished teaching and certifying that teachers meet those standards, a central part of the National Board’s mission is to advocate for related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers. To ensure that…

One Million More

If 15% of California teachers achieve National Board Certification, one million more California students will have access to highly accomplished teachers. The lack of access to high-quality teachers for all California students is a significant impediment to closing the achievement gap. Recent research conducted in California found that a key differentiator of the top-performing school…