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National Board Announces Certification Rate

Arlington, VA –The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards today released its certification rate for teachers completing all four components of the National Board assessment. Of all teachers receiving a certification decision since 2017, the year the National Board revised its assessment, 70% earned the National Board Certified Teacher® designation. “National Board Certified Teachers teach…


Views expressed in National Board’s blog, The Standard, belong solely to the author and do not represent positions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Design and Development of Maintenance of Certification

One of the hallmarks of National Board Certification is that it is and has always been by teachers, for teachers. With regard to Maintenance of Certification (MOC), National Board has collected and reviewed input from multiple stakeholder groups, including NBCTs, to inform the design of the MOC process. Multiple committees of NBCTs were involved throughout the…

Requirements for Exceptions and Portfolio Submission for All Candidates during COVID-19

Requirements for Exceptions and Portfolio Submission for All Candidates during COVID-19 The National Board is committed to ensuring you have the flexibility for successfully completing and submitting portfolio components during a time when COVID-19 has far-reaching impacts on professional and personal lives. A complete list will be maintained here of all approved extensions, exceptions specific…

Core Connections FAQs

Frequently asked Questions Q:Where can I find upcoming events and how do I register? A:All upcoming webinars are listed on our website here. We also highlight them on social media and send regular emails with our schedule. Q:Do you need to be a candidate to participate? If yes, are they mandatory? A:Our webinars are free and…

Copyright & Permissions

© 2024 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. All rights reserved. NBPTS, NBCT, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, National Board Certified Teacher, National Board Certification are registered trademarks or service marks of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations. Please read our General Terms…


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Previously Recorded Webinars for National Board Candidates

This page houses replays of previously recorded webinars and vast resources provided during those sessions. Webinar Resources Introduction to National Board Certification Excerpts from a previously recorded webinar Slides Note Catcher (links and resources) Accelerating Accomplished Teaching for Educators in Years 1-3 of Their Career Webinar Slides Note catcher (links and resources) Component 1: Selected…


National Board staff partners with a community of educators across the country to advance our work. NB Connect and the National Board networks are primary ways that we engage with the broader community and share resources to help drive achieve our goals:   Candidate Support Programs and Facilitation We have a range of resources available…

California State Legislature Approves Incentives for National Board Certified Teachers in High-Priority Schools

$250,000,000 will be appropriated for the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive Program.  Arlington, VA- Effective July 1, the California state government has passed legislation that provides significant support and incentives for teachers in the state seeking National Board Certification, as well as teachers who are already National Board Certified Teachers. The legislation appropriates…