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Student Voices: The Intersection of Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Social Justice in the Classroom

By: Linda Yaron Weston, NBCT The challenges of this time have magnified the need for including mental health tools within the student experience. As an educator who has taught both academic and well-being courses at the high school and college level, I have come to realize that including well-being supports alongside the academic curriculum is…

In recognition of continued excellence, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Issues Proclamation Establishing Louisiana National Board Certified Teacher Day

March 10 presents opportunity to celebrate Louisiana’s ranking seventeenth nationally in both the number of newly Board-certified teachers and the total number of National Board Certified Teachers Baton Rouge, Louisiana-The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards joins Governor John Bel Edwards in honoring National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in Louisiana for their attainment of an…

In recognition of continued excellence, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves Issues Proclamation Establishing Mississippi National Board Certified Teacher Week

March 7-13 presents an opportunity to celebrate Mississippi ranking seventh nationally in both the number of newly Board-certified teachers and the total number of National Board Certified Teachers Jackson, Mississippi-The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards joins Governor Tate Reeves in honoring National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in Mississippi for their attainment of an advanced…

More than 2,570 teachers earn National Board certification; national total exceeds 128,500 despite extraordinary year for educators

In a remarkable school year, during which in-person learning came to a standstill in many locations, 2,576 educators showed their deep commitment to their students and their own professional learning by pursuing and achieving National Board certification. These teachers came from 48 states and 2,070 schools. Along with 2,484 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) who…

More than 2,570 teachers earn National Board certification; national total exceeds 128,500 despite extraordinary year for educators

In a remarkable school year, during which in-person learning came to a standstill in many locations, 2,576 educators showed their deep commitment to their students and their own professional learning by pursuing and achieving National Board certification. These teachers came from 48 states and 2,070 schools. Along with 2,484 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) who…

Jackie Lynn Dillard Parker, NBCT: In memoriam

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is mourning the death of Jackie Lynn Dillard Parker, NBCT. She was a champion for the National Board process for years and was particularly impactful in her state of Mississippi. Parker, a National Board Certified teacher herself, devoted her life to public education as a master teacher, program…

#TeamNBCT Week Overview: March 8-12, 2021

Thanks for joining us in our celebration of #TeamNBCT Week! The #TeamNBCT Week Toolkit has everything you need to join in celebrating National Board Certified Teachers: Sample social media posts and graphics Press release with Class of 2020 data Press release template for 2020 NBCTs and renewed NBCTs to personalize and send to your local…

Tales from the Pandemic: Silver Linings and Lessons Learned

By: Michael Ida, NBCT Unless you’re a journalist, it’s dangerous to write history while it is being made.  However, as teachers, we don’t always have the luxury of waiting for the dust to clear before taking stock.  We have a tremendous opportunity in front of us.  Having no choice but to try new things during…

“Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor” Jackson Brown, Jr.

Dedicated to Stacy Nishina, HSTA Deputy Executive Director By: Tracey Idica, NBCT In the summer of 2013, I received a phone call from an NBCT on a neighbor island who had created a small network of NBCTs. She had received an invitation to attend the National Board Leaders Convening in Raleigh, North Carolina and was…

COVID, Community, and Connections

By: Erin Medeiros, NBCT Twenty rectangles appear. First Kylee, in double French braids and her lashes. Then Tapa, outside working on a lei for his project. Eden is by her bed, and Gardenia sits with her back against the white wall. Lili chats that she just got up and that Lei is with her. Lele…