
The Changing Face of STEM

The Changing Face of STEM In 2011, I was invited, along with other K-12 STEM educators, to a symposium of the Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS). From the mountains of data presented, two bits of information stuck with me: in the coming years, 80% of all new US jobs would be in computer science…

Fast Forward to Board Certification

Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that I was sitting at the computer waiting to hear the news whether or not I had become a National Board Certified Teacher. I remember that moment so vividly and how proud I felt when I saw the word “Congratulations!” appear on the screen. All of…

Move. Listen. Breathe.

On the side of my notebook where I attempt to keep my whole world organized, I have written three reminders: Move. Breathe. Listen. MOVE My 9th graders were at their computers hammering away at their literary analysis essay of bildungsroman in To Kill a Mockingbird when I started to notice that the thunder of fingers…

Podcast: My Students See Me Pushing Myself, Working to Transform

Larissa Wright-Elson, NBCT from Alaska, works to make sure that everything she does impacts students in her classroom. Listen to Larissa discuss her professional journey.

Welcome to Teaching

In late November 1985, I was interviewed by a young principal who seemed like a cool guy and a verging-on-elderly woman who was the social studies department chair. I was talking with the principal and the rapport was fine, we were connecting, the interview was going well. You know when you’re killing it, and I…

Podcast: Hear How This PE Teacher is Making an Impact

Health and fitness teacher Shannon Cotton teaches in Camas, Washington. She believes that Board certification opened doors to her as a teacher leader. Listen to Shannon’s podcast to learn how — and to learn insider tips on the Portland area! Download Episode

Perspective on Global Citizenship from International Teacher

The 2016-17 school year had not been my best year of international teaching. After a difficult summer, I had returned to work stressed and this had an impact on how my year unfolded. So at 1:30 on June 10 there was a sense of relief that the school year was over but also doubt about…

Educators as Explorers – Developing a “Deeper, More Discerning Matrix of Understanding”

“I’m about to say something that requires you to be mature. Can you handle it? I know you can.” “I saw a blue-footed booby!” I proclaimed. “It did a special dance to show off its blue feet to a potential mate as if to say, ‘Hey there, I have bright blue feet which means I’m…

Podcast: What Board Certification Means to the Teaching Profession

In this podcast, Michigan math teacher Gina Wilson shares why she loves teaching. “National Board Certification is a strong platform to help people see that teaching is a profession." Download Episode

The Value in Teaching the Teacher

I’ve made it a point to instill in my own children that once they have reached some sort of success in their passions–be it leading the ice hockey team, editing the school literary magazine, or exhibiting work in an art show–it is their duty to extend a guiding hand to those who will succeed them. …