
My Opportunity to Meet the Press

Standing on a name card behind the set, microphone in hand, waiting to be announced to go on stage in front of a live and internet streaming audience, I turned to ask the moderator: “I wonder if this is what it is like to go on Meet the Press?” Recently I was asked to speak…

I see Ms. Mason When I #PictureATeacher

What did I want to be when I grew up? When I was little, my answer was a dentist or an astronaut. But, I was a child of the 1960s, a turbulent time to be a young African American girl in the south. There were neighborhoods I couldn’t live in and places I couldn’t eat.…

Appreciate the Teaching Profession by Securing its Future

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week, and teachers deserve it. Teachers deserve bagel breakfasts, flowers, and Starbucks gift cards. Teachers deserve higher pay, sane teaching loads, and technology that works. They deserve copy paper. Teacher Appreciation Week is a great time to give teachers these things. It’s also a good time to consider how to recruit and…

Words Matter: I Don’t “Give” Grades

My daughter loves cooking shows so we watch a lot of Food Network TV at our house. Most of these shows are competitions, and when the shows get to the elimination point I often feel myself becoming agitated. I couldn’t figure out why until one of our recent daylong staff meetings to assess student progress.…

Teachers Must Be Ready to Engage

It was late winter in my ninth grade Humanities class. We were learning about the history of South Africa—how the white-ruled government oppressed people of color and called it “apartheid,” and how those oppressed people resisted. My student Mark was having a hard day. He had repeatedly disrupted class with disrespectful comments towards his peers.…

Teaming Up to Support Teachers, from Beginning to Experienced

When I first started teaching, nearly 20 years ago, I remember the excitement of setting up my classroom, preparing to teach three different high school English classes, supervise the student newspaper and act as the advisor of the junior class. By the end of September, reality had set in. My students had serious challenges outside…

National Board Certification: Journey to Becoming an Accomplished Teacher

Editor’s Note: This blog post has been reposted with permission from the author. See the original post here. In the Fall of 2014, I hit a fork in the road. No longer a new teacher, with 4 years of teaching under my belt, I wanted to take the first step in becoming a lifelong learner.…

Humbling and Transformative: The Path to Becoming an NBCT

I fell in love with teaching the summer I worked as a camp counselor for kids with disabilities. I was on my break between my sophomore and junior year of college. That summer, I was assigned to work with an eight-year-old boy who had an emotional disability and he stole my heart. I promptly told…

How to Help Teens Deal with the Challenges of Male and Female Gender Expectations

Through our teaching, socially conscious teachers aim to create learning environments that help students see themselves as change agents, if not in their society, at least in their own lives. Twenty-one years ago when I started teaching, I could simply say, “I teach.” But in the last few years, I’ve found that describing what I…

Teachers are Members of Learning Communities

Recently re-released, What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do articulates that National Board’s Five Core Propositions for teaching. Similar to medicine’s Hippocratic Oath, the Five Core Propositions are held in common by teachers of all grade levels and disciplines and underscore the accomplished teacher’s commitment to advancing student learning and achievement. This blog…