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National Board Certification National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education and provides numerous benefits to teachers, students and schools. It was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. Why Certify? Get Started Your Journey Directory The Five Core Propositions The Standards…


Contact Us How Can We Help You? Whether you’re a candidate with a specific question, or are just looking for more information about Board certification, we’re here to help. Request Your NBCT Certificate If you would like to order a copy of your NBCT certificate, please complete and return the Certificate Request Form. National Board…

Informing Instruction with Holistic Assessment

By: Heavenly Montgomery, NBCT Great teachers dedicate time to learn about their students. Getting a holistic picture of each child allows proficient educators to design instruction to meet specific needs. The COVID 19 pandemic has put new obstacles between teachers and students that seem insurmountable at times. I am impressed with the way some educators…

In Mississippi, National Board announces team of 16 teachers selected to bring awareness to benefits of Board Certification and increase diversity among the ranks of Board Certified Educators

Jackson, Mississippi- The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is pleased to announce that 16 Mississippi National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) have been selected to serve as NBCT Ambassadors and peer consultants. These expert educators have a mission to increase community awareness of the value, incentives, and support systems available for Mississippi teachers to…

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Questioning Our Most Dearly Held Beliefs

Aunty Puanani Burgess, a Hawaiian activist, poet, and community leader, writes about how to build community, how to help people know themselves, and each other. She focuses on finding and sharing our moʻolelo, our stories. In examining our lives to find words for our stories, she underscores the power of asking questions, of questioning even,…

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Permian Strategic Partnership partner to recruit, retain and support National Board Certified Teachers in Southeast New Mexico and West Texas

You can listen to a recording of the call here The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (National Board) announced today on a press call a new partnership with the Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) and the New Mexico National Board Certified Teacher Network to expand and accelerate the work of ensuring all students in the…

National Board Score Release Update

Due to the impact of the pandemic on communities, schools and the teaching profession, the National Board provided all candidates an opportunity to extend their submission deadline to October 16, 2020 or defer their candidacy until Spring 2021. These changes led to the need to have multiple score releases for candidates in this cycle. The…

In the Very Beginning

As early as I can remember, I was a teacher. When I was young, I even asked for a chalkboard for Christmas so I could teach my imaginary students. However, my family struggled with money and nonessentials were not on our list-not even for Christmas. However, my passion for teaching would continue.   I continued to…

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Announces New Board Members

ARLINGTON, Va. – November 19, 2020 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), announced today the election of five prominent educators to its Board of Directors, including accomplished educators from Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and New York. “I couldn’t be more excited to welcome our newly elected Board members. They bring a wide…