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Shake it Off and Step Up

There is a story about a farmer’s donkey who falls down a well. The farmer tries to get the donkey out, but decides that the animal is too old to bother saving, and the well needs to be covered up anyway. He and his neighbors start shoveling dirt into the well. At first, the donkey…

Dr. Mary Hatwood Futrell says National Board should have “major role” in redefining education

On Friday, November 6, Mary Hatwood Futrell was awarded the 2020 James A. Kelly Award for Advancing Accomplished Teaching. The award was presented during a meeting of a semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. “A number of distinguished people have won this award over the years…

Mary Hatwood Futrell to Receive Prestigious James A. Kelly Award

ARLINGTON, Va. — November 6, 2020 — Dr. Mary Hatwood Futrell, former NEA President and former dean of the George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, will receive the National Board’s James A. Kelly Award for Advancing Accomplished Teaching on November 6, 2020. The Kelly Award, named after James A. Kelly, Founding…

What Does National Board Certification Mean To Me

To strengthen as well as improve the teaching profession, educators must become a spokesman for the profession. By highlighting the vast positive and personal rewards of becoming an NBCT educator, spokesmen are able to strengthen the profession by showcasing the success/advances of students who are taught and/or mentored by passionate NBCT educators. In all my…

New Data: Over 3,000 National Board Certified Teachers share how teaching has changed during the COVID-19 crisis

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards releases new data highlighting how teaching has changed and key challenges the profession faces during the pandemic. Arlington, VA — October 1, 2020 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards released survey data detailing the views of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) on teaching during the pandemic.…

Leading, Teaching, & Learning in the Moment: Sustaining Excellent Teaching During a Global Pandemic

The number of teaching colleagues retiring or simply resigning as schools reconvene throughout the country has been sobering. The news has arrived via social media as millions of our colleagues ready classrooms for face-to-face, hybrid, and remote instruction, preparing to receive students. It’s difficult to believe that only six months ago school doors were shuttered…

Differentiate Better: The time is now

Differentiation. For some, this single word describes their entire teaching practice. This same word, though, causes heart palpitations in many others. Our job description gets longer with no sign of reprieve (or appropriate pay, but hey, that’s for a different blog). Differentiating feels like the icing on the top of the unattainable cake. In this…

You Matter, Don’t Forget to Breathe

I’m staring out at my classroom. The tables are all facing one way, front and center. Tape designates each chair’s placement. I hesitated to put up decorations in my new classroom because I’m not sure what decorations are even allowed right now. Everything simply feels eerily – cold. Let me be clear. I did not…

Presidential Award Includes 27 National Board Certified Teachers

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is proud to announce this year’s class of Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) winners includes 27 National Board Certified Teachers. The award recognizes outstanding K-12 teachers in the field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science.  Peggy Brookins, a National Board Certified…

Time to Get Health Literacy off Life Support

It’s hard to compete with an octopus – no, not at arm wrestling – but at capturing and sustaining a young reader’s attention. Three hearts – in one body!  Blue blood — the real, not fake princess, stuff!  But just as COVID-19 changed how we teach, it’s time to change what we teach. As much…