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Education on the Pulse of Change: Virtually Closing the Gap

The surge in media coverage on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests overwhelmingly exposes systemic oppression within our country’s institutions. Of such institutions, public education embodies an oppressive system adversely impacting various ethnic subgroups. Studies indicate that inequitable structures in education sustain negative outcomes for Black male students, especially those with disabilities…

Honest Reflection: A Necessary First Step in Doing No Harm

“I don’t wear a cape. I teach.” “Teaching is my superpower, what’s yours?” I had been enticed to become a teacher nearly two decades ago with inspiring slogans such as these. I was totally committed to teaching my heart out and helping children be their best and brightest selves. I pledged with all my heart to…

There’s No Substitute for Authentic Human Connection

The following column is courtesy of the Alabama Best Practices Center in Montgomery.  Movement restrictions aimed to slow down the spread of COVID19 have brought about a time of connectedness and isolation for many people. As days have turned into weeks and weeks into months, it’s clear that people have experienced similar yet different problems and challenges.…

Building Cultural Proficiency Into My Classroom and Yours

The landscape in the United States is heavy with turmoil and change. We live in a national education climate that has changed, whether it is acknowledged or not because COVID-19 is changing the way students learn.   Adding to the complexity is the Black Lives Matter Movement, which has opened a discussion about how Black people,…

National Board Launches Teacher-Led Advocacy and Awareness Efforts in Mississippi to Build an Accomplished and Diverse Teacher Workforce

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced today that it has recently been awarded a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation totaling $700,000 over two years. The National Board’s focus with the grant resources is to accelerate Mississippi’s trajectory towards becoming a national model for Board-certified teachers.  Like many states, Mississippi struggles…

Introducing Magic Into Distance Learning

Kudos to all of the teachers who have kept their students engaged during our time away from school. When presented with the challenges of distance learning, I asked myself, how will I manage to get my students excited about learning at home? I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy task!  The first thing…

Building Community: One at a Time

Yesterday a local farmer stopped me. “COLLEEEEEENNNN” his voice boomed from his truck across the yard, “I GOT A QUESTION FOR YA’, are teachers still gettin’ their full salary?” With schools still shuttered, students and teachers working from home, the budget vote just behind us, and mail-in ballots still waiting to be counted, this taxpayer…

Embracing the social in Social Distancing

It’s the first day of summer! This is the time of year children look forward to all year long; however, due to the COVID -19 pandemic, this year may not be what children imagined. Instead of playing Tag, Musical Chairs, or Red Rover, children are now being forced to play Simon Says… and Simon says:…

Support for National Board Certified Teachers approved in 30 states

ARLINGTON, VA — June 18, 2020 — In 2019 and 2020, 15 states have advanced policies to support and incentivize teachers to become National Board certified, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced today.  With these new mandates in place, 30 states now have policies that encourage teachers to pursue National Board certification, and…

Prioritizing Self Care in Times of Crises

Co-authored by Tonia Holmes-Sutton, Ed.D., NBCT & Brittany Holmes-Sutton It has been nearly three months since schools closed.  The shutdown impacted education in unanticipated ways as schools transitioned to distance learning overnight – with many teachers unprepared to engage and teach their students through digital platforms. The digital divide made visible inequities that persisted prior…