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Being a Black teacher in America today

I am a Black woman in America. I am a Board-Certified teacher in America. I am fighting for America.  Like many Black Americans, I have experienced racism my entire life. I have been followed while casually browsing in stores. My brothers have been thrown to the ground by police and by white neighbors. I have…

When Human Life is Quiet, We Can Hear What’s Important

I listen to NPR frequently in the mornings (self-confession of a middle-aged woman). One story in particular this week pointed out something I have been noticing lately—it sounds like my neighborhood birds have multiplied and found microphones. During the past eight (gulp) weeks of hunkering down at home, the songbirds in my small Massachusetts town…

Facebook and National Board Webinar on Digital Wellbeing

The disruption of traditional learning environments has had an instant impact on students, parents, and teachers. In support of mental health awareness month and in partnership with Facebook, the National Board held a live panel on May 20 to provide Tools to Help Students Manage Their Digital Wellbeing.  This webinar was part of the National…

Growing Your Own Practice & Putting Students First

I think most educators have a natural inclination to grow our own practice. We have the inner drive to learn more and become better at our craft. It is easy to lose that drive, however. In current times of high stakes testing teachers face the pressure for kids to look good on paper, which in…

8 Leadership Moves From Women We Can Learn From the Covid Crisis

During times of crisis, there’s always a lesson-in-motion in leadership—a real-time case study, as we watch who steps up to support others, who steps in to the hard work, or who steps away from the challenge. I’ve been observing and learning from some dynamic women during the pandemic. If there is a silver lining to…

Finding Meaning in Challenging Times

In times of crisis, humans seek meaning.  The ripple effects from the COVID-19 pandemic shook my existence. In the blink of an eye, my school was closed.  My colleagues were distanced. My materials and resources were across town. My students were out of reach. I was disoriented and disconnected. I went in search of answers.…

National Board Certified Teachers are showing up for students, families and communities during the COVID-19 crisis

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards releases new brief highlighting ways that policy leaders can support teacher leadership Arlington, VA — May 4, 2020 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards released a policy brief today highlighting examples of how National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) from across the country are using their leadership skills…

The Digital Divide: National Board Teachers Have Arrived “Tips for Engaging & Educating Your Students During Uncertain Times”

It’s hard to believe that just two weeks ago; I was happy in my classroom teaching, answering questions, building relationships with my students and preparing them for upcoming summative assessments. I really love a routine and I had it perfected. I never would’ve thought that today, I’m preparing to address my 206 students virtually via…

A Message From Our President and CEO

I hope that this message finds you and your families healthy as we all adjust to massive change in a short period of time. I know that each of you is learning new ways of being involved with your colleagues, families, and communities. I believe that calm, consistent approaches to working and living while being…

The Five Core Propositions: A Framework for Community and Connection

It’s 12:26 A.M here in Las Vegas. It’s only been a few hours since Governor Steve Sisolak ordered a statewide closure of all casinos, restaurants, bars, and nonessential businesses for the next 30 days. This latest response to COVID-19 comes only two days after Governor Sisolak announced the closure of all public, charter, and private…