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Having Fierce Conversations with Kids Matters

While the term “fierce” may seem a little harsh, it got your attention.  I’ve served as a teacher and literacy coach for years — and in those years, I’ve always had engaging and honest conversations with my students.  Teachers do that. They care. They talk to their kids. I believe educators should set out to…

Positivity for Pessimists: How I Climbed Out of An Unhappy Hole and Found My Dark Humor Happy Place

It all started out of boredom. I’ve worked in the same building for 18 years. I work in the same building where I student taught. I teach the same grade levels. For a few years, I was able to entertain myself by designing new lessons and projects, but even that grew stale quickly. So when…

The Council for Professional Recognition and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Lead Initiative for National Early Childhood Educator Lead Teacher Certification

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Council for Professional Recognition (CFPR) and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) have been awarded a contract from the Early Educator Investment Collaborative to conduct a feasibility study to determine the viability of a National Early Childhood Educator Lead Teacher Certification. The goal of the certification would be to ensure that…

When My School Votes…

In the last midterm election, young people voted at record rates, and that is something we should all celebrate. However, even with this historic turnout, two-thirds of young people were missing from the polls. As we work to close opportunity gaps for the most underserved students in our nation, we must also work to close…

Missing the Mark: An Unexpected Journey

Blog, they say. Not a problem because I love writing. Write about not certifying the first time…my pen stops, my heart quickens not because I do not have anything to say but because there are so many emotions and so many things to say. Scores will be released soon; perhaps they already have been by…

More than 4,000 Teachers Renew National Board Certification, Demonstrate Ongoing Commitment to Students and High Standards

ARLINGTON, Va. — October 28, 2019 — The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has announced that 4,786 teachers have renewed their National Board certification and demonstrated that they teach to the highest professional standards. These renewed National Board Certified Teachers come from from 48 states, many of which provide a salary stipend or incentive…

Teachers Aren’t Soldiers

I am a National Board Certified Teacher and a ten-year veteran of the United States Army. Two things I know well are education and weapons. Let’s not mix them. There are companies that offer concealed carry permit classes to teachers. Politicians across the country have expressed that armed teachers are a good way to stop…

Addressing Teacher Shortages and Teacher Diversity

With teacher shortage and teacher diversity challenges impacting schools across the nation, National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) are leading the field in efforts to ensure that all students have access to accomplished and diverse teachers. Launched in 2018 with generous funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Leading, Empowering, and Advocating for the Profession (LEAP) project…

Inside the Story

The students in my International Baccalaureate Literature and Performance class recently read “The Bean Eaters,” a poem by Gwendolyn Brooks about an elderly, very ordinary married couple who share meager meals and memories: They eat beans mostly, this old yellow pair. Dinner is a casual affair. Plain chipware on a plain and creaking wood, Tin…

Why Latinx NBCTs Matter, Today, This month, and Always

Hip-hop artist and educator, Olmeca, wrote a poem called, “They Migrate, We Graduate.” Those four words accurately captured so many of our experiences as Latinx, bicultural-bilingual-binational students and now, just as importantly, as teachers. Our families, just like our students’ families, prioritized our future possibilities and opportunities over many times, their own comfort. When I…