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National Board Recognizes 81 School Districts for Commitment to Accomplished Teaching

ARLINGTON, Va. – September 26, 2019. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards unveiled today a program that recognizes school districts across the country that work hard to promote student learning through accomplished teaching. The National Board Accomplished Districts program will initially honor 81 districts in which at least 20% of its teachers have achieved…

National Board joins nationwide initiative to address STEM teacher shortage

As part of an ongoing effort to address the nation’s STEM teacher shortage, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced today that it has joined the 100Kin10 initiative, a national network that aims to add 100,000 STEM teachers to America’s classrooms by 2021. 100Kin10 is committed to solving one of our country’s most pressing…

Delivering on our promise of equitable education

Fall is in the air and school playgrounds are hubs of activity where teams are formed and games are played. Imagine one hundred children lined up ready and excited to play. Immediately sixty are benched, and only forty are allowed to play. We would never allow this on the playground; however, this is what is…

Connecting with other NBCTs provides the support that Teacher Leaders Need

Like many National Board Certified Teachers, I am proud to say that I serve in multiple teacher leadership roles in my school and within our district. My most demanding responsibility is serving as the leader of our school’s brand new Literacy Committee. Our school-wide instructional goal for the 2018-19 school year was to increase the…

Two National Board fellows begin effort to advance teaching and learning across the Golden State

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is proud to announce that two National Board Certified Teachers selected have been named as the inaugural California Advocacy Program fellows. The two advocacy fellows were selected from a highly competitive group of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) from across the state.  Lori Celiz, an NBCT at Ansel…

Who are American Muslims?

Since achieving National Board certification in adolescent social studies several years ago, I have felt a need to continue to educate myself and lead in my specific passion — religious literacy. One religious community that continues to face alarming amounts of discrimination in and out of the classroom is the American Muslim population. This summer…

Intrinsic Motivation: How to motivate little minds

Intrinsic Motivation. As a human, I feel it within my soul. I know the things I feel motivated to complete and the people I feel motivated to please. I have it —and I’m sure you do to—but how did we get here? How long did it take? Certainly we all found ours at different paces…

Look up Apollo: Footprints on the Moon, Pathways on Earth

World-renowned Educator (member of NBPTS Board of Directors), Astronaut, and Engineer Dr. Mae C. Jemison has encouraged us all to take a moment from the chaos of our everyday lives to pause and look up at the sky above. By doing so we remind ourselves, and each other, that we are all connected as members…

What is my Purpose?

“What is my purpose?” This is a question I seem to ask myself frequently, and if you are honest with yourself, I’m willing to bet it is a question you’ve often found yourself asking as well. While my answer is consistent, the certainty of that answer seems to change throughout the seasons. My purpose is…

Five National Board Fellows Begin Yearlong Effort to Advance Teaching and Learning Across the Country

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is proud to announce our 2019 class of National Board fellows. The five fellows were selected from a highly competitive group of hundreds of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) from across the country: Tammy Kirkland of Mississippi, Matthew Poth of Virginia, Dr. Ann Nkiruka Ifekwunigwe, also of Virginia,…