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To One’s Own Standards Be True

Exploring Project-Based Learning Through the Lens of National Board Standards After I achieved National Board certification in 2017, I found that I had “Standards Glasses” newly, and permanently, welded to my face. Every lesson, project, and unit prompted in me these tough questions: (How) does this suit my particular students? Is this appropriate at this…

Why I Still Give My Students Zeros

Above: My journalism student finally turned in his editorial. I didn’t lose anything by letting him turn it in late. This was an accomplishment for him and–even though it was almost a month late–he felt proud of himself. A couple of months ago, a high school senior taking graduation photos came up to me in…

Parents and Teachers Demand NBCT Leaders

Because I believe so deeply that the National Board certification process makes great teachers even better, I’m constantly encouraging accomplished teachers to pursue certification. It’s not uncommon for teachers to deflect by saying they plan to pursue building administration and that becoming an NBCT won’t help them achieve goals of becoming a principal some day.…

Why I Wear My Teacher ID Badge

In 25 years of teaching I never used to wear my district-issued teacher ID badge. I figured everyone in my building knew who I was. It seemed unnecessary. Last year, however, I started wearing it on a daily basis. What changed? I recently served on former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s School Safety Task Force. As…

A Badge of Honor

After signing on at 5 AM on the National Board Score release day in November 2013 and seeing the words, “Congratulations! You are a National Board Certified Teacher!” I remember feeling the excitement, a sense of relief, and nervous for my friends who went through the process with me who would also be signing on…

From 3 to 43

In 2006 I arrived at Tahoma High School after 19 years teaching in a neighboring district. I certified in 2003 (AYA Math) and tried to start a facilitation program in that district. I moved before that program took roots but when I arrived in my currrent district I asked my principal, Terry Duty, about starting…

Are you a “Yes” or a “No” teacher?

How many times do you think you say “no” every day? Whether it’s telling a student not to mix two chemicals together in a science lab or telling a class they can’t eat their lunch on the walk to the cafeteria, the word “no” is definitely a part of a teacher’s vernacular. When you video…

National Board Fellows Wrap Up 2018-19 Fellowship

The five National Board Fellows visited our Arlington offices in mid-February to wrap up their Fellowship and to share highlights of their “passion projects.” Pictured above, from left to right: National Board Fellows Amy Steger, Rodrigo Rodriguez-Tovar, Jaime Festa-Daigle, Melissa Collins, and Melissa Chandler. Amy Steger, NBCT from Eden, NY focused her work on two…

To Renew or Not Renew: A Principal’s Dilemma

The letter sat on the corner of my desk for nearly six weeks. I knew what it said before I opened it. My certification fell within two years of expiring and so it must be NBPTS notifying me that I could begin the renewal process. There it sat within my peripheral vision whenever I stared…

Push Past the Boundaries

I initially became a National Board Certified Teacher in 2009, and the process completely rocked my social studies world. For so long, I had understood assessment as more or less a regurgitation of facts or the ability to write an essay where everything was correct. During my initial process, I was required to dig deep…