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As an educator, it is important to ensure that student learning extends beyond the regular classroom curriculum and standards. Students need to have opportunities for real world practice and application of skills that prepare them for life. They need to develop a strong sense of self, an ability to see different views, and a respect…

A Student’s Perspective on Excellent Teaching

We have all had teachers and moments in the classroom that have altered and shaped our education and, ultimately, our lives. I have been in the public education system for 12 years, beginning with public preschool, and have had many teachers. Some of my teachers I will never forget because they have had a lasting…

Teacher Leadership is About Relentless Improvement

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Too often we distill solutions to challenges into catchy slogans like this misattribution and expect miracles from teachers working in isolation.  This is wrong.  Gandhi actually said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his…

Rolling into a Classroom Near You: The NYSTEAMBus

One of the biggest joys of teaching comes from the conversation that you have with a former student who comes back to find you, letting you know that your work helped to ignite their love of something. Sometimes that love comes in the form of a book, sometimes it’s a problem they had to solve.…

At Least They Didn’t Fire Me: Reflections on Work and Learning

My earliest experiences in the workplace occurred back in high school, and each setting provided some memorable failures. As a volunteer in our local hospital, I made mistakes like goofing off in a wheelchair trying to improve my speed going up and down an isolated basement corridor. A more unsettling mistake was my clumsy and…

NBPTS Board Member Named Commissioner of Education for Minnesota

Minnesota Governor-Elect Tim Walz names NBPTS Board Member Mary Cathryn Ricker, NBCT as the incoming Commissioner of Education for the state of Minnesota. Congratulations to Mary Cathryn, we look forward to working with her to increase the number of accomplished teachers in Minnesota.

Data show National Board Certified Teachers Remain in the Classroom

According to a recent study conducted by South Carolina’s Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement, the turnover rates among National Board Certified Teachers is much lower than those of all teachers in South Carolina. Specifically, the state’s teacher turnover rate for the 2016-17 school year was 7.7%, yet the rate was only 1.9% for…

I Was Determined!

My journey for National Board Certification was a long one! I felt the sting of disappointment three times. The first two I questioned myself as an educator. Was I in the wrong profession? Was I not an effective teacher? I was following the guidelines down to the letter. Why wasn’t I certifying? Still, I tried…

Student perspective: I knew this would be a good class

As a 7th grader, I’ve had lots of teachers. Some have known me well and others not so much. Some teachers make learning fun and others don’t. I recently talked to my friends about why Ms. Kaiser, my World Studies teacher, is so good – why do we like her, why are we learning so…

National Board Certification: Be teachable, and let the “fun” begin

Becoming a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) can seem like an insurmountable task. It is a process that pushed me out of my comfort zone as I began to write and reflect on my teaching practice.  I quickly learned I need to allow myself to be “teachable” to be successful through the process. An important…