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3,907 Teachers Achieve National Board Certification Bringing National Total to More Than 122,000

 3,907 Teachers Achieve National Board Certification Bringing National Total to More Than 122,000 Note: State-level data on National Board Certified Teachers is available here. To identify National Board Certified Teachers in your area, view our searchable directory. ARLINGTON, Va. —December 10, 2018—The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards celebrates 3,907 new National Board Certified Teachers…

My Journey to West Virginia State Teacher of the Year

I was broken down and defeated. I did not love teaching anymore.  I was doing the same thing over and over and was bored. I needed a change.  I even contemplated changing careers. Then, one day, I was assisting in a 2nd grade classroom.  I look back and remember where I was in that room…

National Board Welcomes New Members of Board of Directors

National Board welcomes new directors from North Carolina, Alabama, Michigan, the NEA Executive Committee, Past President of the National School Boards Association and NEA Foundation President ARLINGTON, Va. – December 4, 2018 – The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, announced the election of six prominent educators to its board of directors. Elections were held…

Teachers Find Out if they Achieved National Board Certification

Teachers Find Out if they Achieved National Board Certification Teachers from across the country have received their scores and found out if they achieved National Board Certification ARLINGTON, Va. – December, 1, 2018– The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has notified notify more than 14,000 teachers of their scores and achievement status on their…

Principal (Teacher?): “Everyone a leader, everyone a learner.”

I clearly remember when I first heard that phrase, regarded as a rapidly tiring cliché by many working in the Hawaii public school system. I was at a lunch meeting a few years ago, when about 20 other Hawaii State Teacher Fellows and I were joined by then Deputy Superintendent Stephen Schatz. We were discussing…

Why a Great Teacher is Not Enough

In some schools, a great teacher can be used to do more harm than good. Where there are clearly identified “good” and “bad” teachers, often parents demand their child be placed in certain classes, staff members feel jealous, leaders are perceived to pick favorites, and achievement gaps develop across differing levels of instruction in the…

PBS Has TeacherLine Opportunities for National Board Certified Teachers

PBS TeacherLine has a number of opportunities for educators starting soon! Read on to learn more. Science teachers: Are you looking for quality, in-depth professional development to improve your teaching practice? Need the flexibility of an online course? Check out PBS TeacherLine’s Accomplished Science Teaching: Letting Science Lead. This research-based course, developed in collaboration with…

7 Experiences New Teachers Should Seek Out for a More Satisfying Career

Congratulations, or belated congratulations, on starting your new (still relatively new) career! While teaching could certainly be a more lucrative profession, it offers a variety of rewarding experiences you can’t find in any other work. The relationships we build with students, families, and communities can be powerful, even transformative. Knowing the work our fellow teachers…

Bald Caps and Basquiat: How the Arts Transform Learning

When I was nine, I auditioned for a musical and in my first ever role played a bald, evil king in a purple satin robe. I discovered two things: (1) I was passionate about theatre, and (2) not so passionate about wearing a bald cap. Bald caps aside, I marvel at how that single theatrical…

From NBCT to TIME Magazine

I remember it like it was yesterday. Sitting in my principal’s office… typing in my information to log on… and when I did I saw the words, I honestly wasn’t expecting to see them: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU ARE A NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED TEACHER! My heart stopped and all I remember is screaming at the top of…