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You’d Think We’d Have School Figured Out by Now, Right?

Thousands of studies, hundreds of thousands of schools, and millions of teachers, decades of practice… you’d think we’d have school figured out by now, right? And in many ways, I think we do. It’s not mysterious work. For every problem in schools today, there are answers. We have plenty of models to learn from, to…

Creating the Conditions for Accomplished Teaching to Grow

I grew up on a farm in the high desert of central Oregon. My family mainly grew alfalfa hay, but also crops from bluegrass seed to wheat to peppermint oil, (which I cared for as my FFA project). The success of our crops depended tremendously on our ability to create the best possible conditions for…

Leading Next to Students

Teachers want to lead. We want to influence students and the education profession in positive ways while remaining in the classroom. The dilemma is that on this leadership pursuit, many teachers aren’t able to find ways to stay in the classroom. Early in my career, I had the false notion that leading in education meant…

Addressing the Needs of Students with Limited and Interrupted Formal Education

This year, I’m in a new position as the Director of English Language Learners for my school. Part of this role involves leading a team of teachers who serve students with limited and interrupted formal education. These students are newcomers to the United States, coming from places where schooling was either inaccessible or non-compulsory, and…

The Power of Writing Begins with a Single Sentence

Late one Saturday night in March, a former student found me watching basketball at a bar. Despite passing my class by the skin of his teeth nine years ago he was thrilled to buy me a drink. We talked about his old teachers and the new principal. He told me about his family, the cars…

Kentucky Legislature Celebrates Board-certified Teachers

February 20, 2018 marks Kentucky’s celebration of 316 new NBCTs. Peggy Brookins, President & CEO of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards remarked, “I could not be more proud of Kentucky’s 316 new National Board Certified Teachers. This is an accomplishment for the teachers but I can’t overstate the impact it will have on students.…

Through the Years at the National Board Resource Center

There’s a building on the Stanford University campus called the Center for Education Research at Stanford – CERAS – that holds a special place in my life. From the outside, it’s not especially interesting, and you can’t quite get a complete view of the building from any exterior vantage point. The interior has a unique…

Common Denominator

Every morning I wake up and am amazed I am the 2018 Washington State Teacher of the Year. It still feels like a dream and I often question how it is I got to this place. How is it possible that a teacher who struggled to articulate her classroom impacts until roughly 15 years into…

Our Difference is Our Strength

When I was seven years old, my mother took me with her to a sign language class two nights a week. I remember immediately connecting with signing and practicing all the time – I loved those classes. Things changed once I entered grade school. I started playing the flute and the more I practiced, the…

My Why

A decade ago I was three years into my dream job. A middle school Language Arts teacher at my second school in so many years. I had dreamed of doing this since I was a young child and I was finally in it; up to my neck in papers to grade, lessons to plan, e-mails…