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A Big Step Forward for ESEA Reauthorization

The last iteration of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), aka No Child Left Behind (NCLB), was slated to be reauthorized in 2007. Everyone agrees that the law needs to be updated, and it seems like the time is ripe. At the beginning of the year, the Senate Education Committee indicated they would take…

Wanted: Creative and Smart People

Editor’s Note:  Jane Fung, NBCT, is a first-grade teacher in Los Angeles. The views expressed in this blog are her own.   “If you’re a creative, smart young person, I don’t think this is the time to go into teaching unless an independent school would suit you.” When award-winning educator Nancie Atwell recently uttered these…

Am I an NBCT Fanatic?

Editor’s Note:  Joanna Schimizzi, NBCT, is a biology teacher in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District in North Carolina. The views expressed in this blog are her own. When the NCAA basketball tournament comes each spring, my husband becomes a March Madness fanatic, but I recently realized that there’s something I’ve become obsessed with: encouraging other teachers to…

No Decision About Me Without Me: Honoring the Aspirations of Our African-American Males Through the Special Education Process

Editor’s Note:  Jennifer Dines, NBCT, is the Special Education and Student Services Coordinator at the Gardner Pilot Academy K-8 School, a Pilot School in the Boston Public Schools. The views expressed in this blog are her own.     The words of the panelists from The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans at…

Board-Certified Teachers More Effective, New Studies Affirm

The evidence continues to mount that teachers who earn national-board certification are more effective than other teachers, both at the high school and elementary levels. Two recently released studies show higher test scores by students who are taught by board-certified teachers. The findings are in line with previous research. Read More (subscription may be required)…

National Board’s ATLAS Boosts Teacher Prep in Louisiana through Video Analysis and Reflection

ARLINGTON, Va. — Through a new partnership with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, teacher preparation programs in Louisiana will receive a major boost in preparing the next generation of teachers for success in the profession. The new partnership between the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and the Louisiana Board of Regents will…

The Profession is Ours: Teaching and Learning 2015

Editor’s Note: The following blog is from John M. Holland, an NBCT and speaker at the Teaching & Learning conference that took place in Washington, D.C. on March 13-14. This conference reflection was also published on the Center for Teaching Quality blog and is reprinted with permission. — I heard the sound of a great…

Two New Studies Add to the Evidence Base on Board-Certified Teachers’ Impact on Student Achievement

ARLINGTON, Va. —  Two independent studies recently released provide new evidence that, on average, the students of National Board Certified Teachers learn more than students in other classrooms. Such evidence held from elementary through high school grades; across reading, math and science subject areas; and in varied districts and states across the country. The studies,…

5 Reasons Why Future Teachers Should Attend Teaching and Learning 2015

Editor’s Note: Coming to Teaching & Learning? Check out John at his In-The-Classroom Workshop on Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Room 156 on Making the Standards Real in Early Childhood. He will discuss what accomplished teaching looks like to support child development in early childhood classrooms. This blog was also published on the Center for Teaching…

A Sense of Purpose and Direction

This week I was invited by a local community organization to speak at Career Night for a small group of teens. It was a first for me, and quite a different experience from other public speaking I’ve done. When I talk to teens, it’s usually as a teacher or advisor, and when I talk about…