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New Online Community Seeks to Crowdsource Teacher Leadership to Improve Education

WASHINGTON — As students and teachers across the country head back to school, the U.S. Department of Education and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards today unveiled “Commit to Lead,” a new online community that makes it easy for educators to share ideas for teacher leadership and collaborate to bring them to fruition. The…

Ron Thorpe expands on medical residency analogy in Kappan

The September 2014 issue of Kappan magazine features a compelling article by National Board President and CEO Ron Thorpe titled, "Residency: Can it transform teaching the way it did medicine?" In the piece, Thorpe explores complex questions, including:  Should the education profession push for universal residency for teachers? What would it look like? How would it affect student…

How National Board Certification Helped Me Turn Around A Failing School

Dr. Kiela Snider, NBCT, shares the story of how she led her entire teaching staff through the National Board Certification process as principal at Julius Corsini Elementary in Desert Hot Springs, Calif. The results were a dramatic boost in student achievement, lower teacher turnover and increased parental involvement. Snider is now principal at the Palm Springs Unified School…

NEA Appoints National Board COO Andy Coons to Lead Policy and Teacher Quality Division as Senior Director

WASHINGTON – The National Education Association (NEA) announced today that it has hired Andy Coons, chief operating officer of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, to join its leadership team as senior director of its Center for Great Public Schools. In his new role, Coons will continue his work to elevate the education profession by…

NBCT Mary Cathryn Ricker Elected as AFT Exec. Vice President

ARLINGTON, Va. — Today the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) announced the election of Mary Cathryn Ricker, a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) from St. Paul, Minnesota, as the association’s executive vice president, its third-ranking leadership position. Ricker, who also serves on the NBPTS Board of Directors, previously served as an AFT vice president and…

Op-Ed: Why the Bureau of Indian Education is partnering with the National Board

Ron Thorpe, president and CEO of the National Board, and Charles "Monty" Roessel, director of the Bureau of Indian Education, U.S. Department of the Interior, explain why Board certification will be pivotal in improving outcomes for Native American students.   Albuquerque Journal, July 9, 2014. Article

EdTalk Radio: Supporting accomplished teaching for Native American Students

Host Larry Jacobs explores how Board certification fits with the Bureau of Indian Education’s efforts to improve outcomes for Native American students. Guests include Native American educators Jolyn Rose, NBCT, Kara Bobroff and Anpao Duta Flying Earth, both of the the Native American Community Academy in Albuquerque.   Education Talk Radio, Larry Jacobs, July 8,…

National Board Praises TALIS Findings on the Teaching Profession

ARLINGTON, Va. —  Speaking about OECD’s release today of the Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS), Ron Thorpe, president and CEO of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, praised the results of the study: “Teachers across the nation have confirmed that professional development is too often disconnected from what teachers do every day in the classroom. What regularly passes…

National Board Partners with Bureau of Indian Education to Certify 1,000 New Accomplished Teachers

ARLINGTON, Va. —The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards today announced a groundbreaking initiative with the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) to boost accomplished teaching in BIE-funded schools. As part of the Obama Administration’s continued commitment to working with tribal leaders to address the challenges facing Indian Country, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Education Secretary…

EdTalk Radio: Increasing teacher ‘Board certification’ in Kentucky

Ruth Ann Sweazy, Jeffrey Wright and Donna Brockman discuss the importance of making Board certification the norm for teachers in Kentucky.   Education Talk Radio, Larry Jacobs, June 12, 2014. Listen to the Podcast