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It’s time to think beyond the curriculum

By: Jonathon Medeiros, NBCT An essay I read recently talked about the importance of drama in learning, and its usefulness to us as teachers. The author made sure to delineate between “drama” and “theater,” explaining that drama is participant centered and theater is audience centered. The former is for the people acting, working through the…

National Board Networks Honors Program Recognizes 21 Networks

Today, the National Board is recognizing 21 National Board Networks that model excellence in support of the National Board’s mission. The 76 National Board networks play a key role in building and sustaining National Board certification, supporting educators who wish to challenge themselves and prove they teach to the profession’s highest standards. The networks also…

Calling All California Teachers! Apply for a National Board Certification Grant Today and Receive State Funds!

This blog originally published on the Public Advocates website. By Public Advocates and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards  We are delighted that the Governor’s 2021 Budget included a robust investment in the National Board Certification Incentive Grant. National Board certification is the most respected professional certification in education1 and confers innumerable benefits on teachers, students…

Thank you!

Thank you for completing the National Board’s annual NBCT survey. Once we close the survey and compile responses, we will share an overview of the results and follow up with ways that you can engage further with the National Board.

Five Years a Candidate: Maryland Teacher’s Story of GRACE for the Journey

By: Angela Killebrew, NBCT A Science Teacher shares her five-year journey to National Board certification culminating in December 2021. I want to share my story with hopes it will inspire someone else to find their confidence to stay the course and accomplish their goal of National Board certification. In the Spring of 2016, I celebrated…

From Teacher to Hunter

By: Maria Peterson, NBCT I’m a Spanish teacher in Montgomery County, MD. Our 160,000 students come from more than 50 countries and represent hundreds of languages and cultures. This diversity is one of the reasons the district has been an ideal place for me to teach for more than 28 years. Coming from the small…

More than 2,000 teachers earn National Board certification; 130,000 now teach to the profession’s highest standards

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards announced today that 2,073 teachers became National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in the 2020-2021 school year. Showing their deep commitment to student learning and the teaching profession, these teachers represent 49 states plus the District of Columbia.  With the 5,304 teachers who renewed or maintained their certificate this…

Two National Board Certified Teachers announced as finalists for CCSSO’s National Teacher of the Year Program

The Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) has announced that two  National Board Certified teachers, Whitney Aragaki, NBCT from Hawai’i and Joseph Welch, NBCT from Pennsylvania, have been named as two of the four finalists for the 2022 National Teacher of the Year.  Whitney Aragaki, the 2022 Hawai‘i Teacher of the Year, teaches high…

It Takes a Village

    By: Megan Jenny, NBCT Like most National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), I consider myself internally motivated and self-sufficient. When I entered the teaching profession 15 years ago, I set two goals for myself—earn my National Board Certification and complete my PhD in Education. The goals I set were for me, myself, and I…

Pilgrimage Odyssey, Allegorical Journey of an Ordinary National Board Certified Teacher

  By: Chayanee Brooks, NBCT This is my honest account and recollection of my National Board journey. I know everybody’s journey is unique, but I believe we would agree that it is not a cake walk. As the old saying goes: “If it’s not hard, it’s not worth pursuing” and, to quote my favorite philosopher,…