At the National Board, we know that it’s important to get you all the information you need to supplement the work that you do to elevate the teaching profession. Whether you’re an interested candidate for National Board Certification or a candidate support provider or an advocate for accomplished teaching, we’ve provided the documents, media and tools that you’ll need to move along your journey.
Candidate Center
The Candidate Center is your hub for information related to the certification process. Here you can find instructions and policy documents and other information that is specific to first time, returning and renewal candidates. Please read the information carefully as you view the documents that are relevant to you. We encourage you to check back often as you continue your journey.
Policy and Advocacy
These resources are designed to help teachers, policymakers, district administrators and other stakeholders advocate for policies that strengthen teaching by integrating Board certification and capitalizing on the expertise of Board-certified teachers.
Support for Candidates
Are you a National Board Candidate looking for support? Here are some resources to get you started.